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Privacy Notice website users – Art. 13 GDPR

1. Data Controller, Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller is:  

Eventi Telematici S.r.l.

Via Pirandello 17 - 20099 Sesto San Giovanni - MI

Tel. +39 02 9706.9084

Fax +39 02 9706.9085


The DPO (Data Protection Officer) can be contacted at:

2. Types of data processed

During normal operation and using automated systems, the IT systems and application procedures that operate the internet sites referred to above acquire the following types of data:

  1. browsing data captured during the visit to the website, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols, examples here being: IP address for the device connected to the site, type of browser used, name of the internet service provider or ISP, date and time of the visit and the visitor's referral and exit web page, ecc.

3. Purposes of the processing

The data captured is only used for the proper functioning of this website and, in particular:

  1. to allow navigation of the website.

4. Legal basis for the processing

The legal basis of the processing can be identified in the processing required in order to perform a contract that the Data subject is a party to.

5. Manner of processing

The personal data captured is processed in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency established in Article 5 of the GDPR, including with the use of IT and telecommunications tools that can store and manage the said data and, therefore, can guarantee its security and ensure maximum confidentiality for the Data subject. 

6. Use of cookies

Cookies are small text files that a website sends to the browser used to browse online to be stored and sent back to that site on a subsequent visit. 

These cookies capture information about a user visiting a website (e.g. date, time, pages visited, time spent on the site, etc.); some of this information can be classed as personal data and is therefore subject to specific provisions of the law.

For more information on the cookies used by this website, please refer to the "Cookie Policy" available at the following link: Cookie Policy.

7. Categories of parties authorised to carry out processing and to whom the data might be communicated

Users' personal data will, in accordance with the relevant legislation in force, be disclosed to and processed by the Data Controller's employees and contract staff (identified as persons authorised to carry out processing) who operate the website.

The data may be disclosed exclusively to the Public Security Authorities or to other public entities for defense, state security and investigation of crimes or to the Judicial Authority in compliance with legal obligations, where there is a hypothesis of a crime.

Other than in the above cases, the personal data will not be communicated or circulated to third parties in any manner or for any reason. Finally personal data will not be transferred to third countries or international organisations unless strictly relating to specific requests by the user, for which the appropriate consent will be obtained.

8. Storage period

Where the various reasons and purposes for which it is collected are concerned, the data will be stored for the period of time established by the relevant legislation or for such period of time as is strictly necessary in order to the purposes to be achieved.  More specifically:

  • browsing data will be stored for no longer than 24 months.

9. Rights of the Data Subject

Data subjects has the right to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him is being processed and, in this case, to obtain access to the personal data and information indicated in art. 15 of the GDPR.

The application must be submitted to the following e-mail address:

Furthermore, Data subjects who consider that the processing of their personal data via this site is in breach of the provisions of the Regulation are entitled to lodge a complaint to the Data Protection Authority in accordance with Article 77 of the Regulation - by contacting the page of the Privacy Guarantor dedicated to exercise of rights regarding the protection of personal data or to the e-mail address - or to bring proceedings in the appropriate courts (Article 79 of the GDPR).

10. Changes to the information

This information may be changed over time. You should therefore check that you are looking at the latest version by going to the Privacy section on the website